Bert and Darragh: The effects of UK storms and flooding

By Tasha Frater, Marketing Apprentice

At the end of 2024, two unfriendly storms invited extreme winds, heavy rain and disruption to infrastructure and communities across the UK and Ireland. Both Storm Bert and Darragh unleashed significant rainfall over a short period, causing rivers to breach their banks and low-lying areas to flood.

Substantial impacts of flooding 

Storm Bert arrived first, with winds hitting 80 mph and torrential downpours affecting much of the UK. There was localised flooding across Wales with an estimated 700 properties flooded. 

Just as communities started to recover from these effects, Storm Darragh came along with even more ferocity, bringing 90 mph gusts of wind. Sadly, around 170,000 urban and rural homes in England, Scotland and Wales were left without power.

Due to the weather conditions from both storms, the River Severn and Thames reached dangerously high-water levels, threatening nearby homes and businesses. Streets and properties faced surface water issues as drainage systems were overwhelmed by the large volume of rain. There was also coastal flooding in several areas due to high tides and storm surges.  

Protecting your assets from floods

Unfortunately, flooding is a growing risk in the UK, especially with climate change affecting rainfall and sea levels. According to the Government’s latest National Assessment of Flood Risk (NaFRA) 6.3 million properties in England are in areas at risk of flooding from one or a combination of sources. This figure, plus the floods caused by Storm Bert and Darragh, highlight how urgently flood risk needs addressing.

At GeoSmart, we can help prepare and protect your assets from the impact of flooding and extreme weather events. Our flood risk assessment reports can support planning applications, property transactions and insurance for architects, planning consultants, developers and the legal market. Plus, we have our innovative FloodSmart Analytics tool designed to help clients understand the risk related to property assets.

Get in touch to find out how we can help you.

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