Data Use and Limitations

Data limitations

The data and information which GeoSmart interprets in Reports is obtained by GeoSmart from third parties including the British Geological Survey, BlueSky, Ordnance Survey and the Environment Agency. The data, information and related records supplied can only be indicative and should not be taken as a substitute for specialist interpretations, professional advice and/or detailed site investigations. Geological observations are made according to the prevailing understanding of the subject at the time. The quality of such observations may be affected by subsequent advances in knowledge or improved methods of interpretation.

FloodSmart and SuDSmart reports make use of BGS data within the GeoSmart Groundwater Flood Risk Map (GW5)  and SuDS Infiltration Map (SD50), for which the following disclaimer applies:

BGS Natural Environment Research Council Disclaimer
Disclaimer (Clause 7.9): Some of the responses contained in this report are based on data and information provided by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) or its component body the British Geological Survey (BGS). Your use of any information is at your own risk. Neither NERC nor BGS gives any warranty, condition or representation as to the quality, accuracy or completeness of such information and all liability (including liability for negligence) arising from its use is excluded to the fullest extent.

Full explanations of the production of the datasets contained within our reports can be found by following the links below:

Copyright information

Our reports use mapped data for which the following copyright applies: