Construction (Design and Management) Regulations - 2015
You should be aware that your project may require a high standard of care and control with regard to health and safety. If you are uncertain what this means you should seek the advice of your architect, builder or other competent professional. GeoSmart does not provide health and safety advisory services but we are required to advise you of your general responsibilities under CDM Regulations (2015). GeoSmart also has responsibilities under these regulations which are discussed below.
Client responsibilities
If your development is defined as ‘Construction Work’ under CDM 2015, you or the organisation that is having the work carried out will be defined as ‘the Client’ and have specific duties under the Regulations. GeoSmart has an obligation to ensure that Clients are aware of the duties that this will entail, in essence Clients must ensure that the project is set up so that it is carried out to adequately control risks to health and safety.
Designer responsibilities
GeoSmart Pro reports may include outline strategies or designs to support with development plans. These are limited to the presentation of outline conceptual designs and design options; it is not detailed design. Detailed design work should be undertaken by a competent professional who might be your engineer, architect, builder or another competent party. However a Designer’s duties under CDM 2015 apply as soon as designs which may be included in construction work are started; hence this may include design concepts, options and outline designs. Our responsibility is to ensure relevant information about our designs is provided to other duty holders under CDM 2015 that will undertake the detailed design or implement the design.
Further information is available here.